About the organization

Business that Supports Missions

GHNI helps communities in Africa, Asia and the Middle East, identify, prioritize and the solve their own problems, focusing on the use of locally available resources. GHNI seeks to transform a nation by engaging it in three areas; disaster relief, long-term self-sustainable community development (TCD) and Transformational Leadership Development. Our bread and butter is TCD (Transformational Community Development). In TCD we help a community become self-sustainable in five key areas; Water, food production, income generation, education, and wellness (both physically & spiritual). From the beginning we have an exit strategy - typically exiting a village within five years and leaving behind structures that will insure self-sustainability.

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934 N Magnolia Suite 310 Orlando, FL 32803, US



  • Kacie Craig
  • Courtney Conyers
  • Katie McGinnis


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