About the organization


God put the desire in my heart to provide affordable holistic detox and mental health treatment to addicts and people on prescription medications. God provided the healing treatment in NAD+ Amino Acids/Neuro-Recover but unfortunately many people can't afford this treatment because currently doctor charge $5000-$20,000 for this treatment and it is not covered by insurance. This is why it isn't being utilized by the people that need it most who can't afford it. Our goal is to make the treatment affordable by getting doctors to to volunteer via-telemedicine to authorize the treatment and nurses to administer the treatment as medical missionaries to help those who are desperately in need of the treatment. Our goal is to help those in need for treatment fundraise the $2,000 needed for the medical supplies for the treatment and provide matching funds for there treatment so that they only need to raise $1000 personally for there treatment. In order for this to happen we need doctors and nurses to volunteer there time to administer the treatment. I was trained under Dr. Hummistion at Emerald Neuro-recover https://www.emerald-neuro-recover.com/  and have been given the protocols for the treatment and when doctors purchase Neurorecover from Anazao Pharmecuticals 

 they will be given the treatment manual and have access to Dr. Hummistion for free training in administration of the treatment. 

We have a 1-acre property in Cocoa, Florida we would like to turn into our residential treatment center once we can get the commitment from medical volunteers to operate. I'm a Counselor Specializing in Addictions from Oral Roberts Univeristy. I'm a certified neuro-nutrient therapist specializing in amion acid treatment. I'm also certified in Emotion Code and EMDR. I am also an Education Specialist with 7 years of experience teaching special populations. I hope to use my counseling to counsel people while on the waitlist to enter our program while we get funding and volunteers for there treatment.

I also would like to provide educational training programs once they are in the residential treatment program in Florida to help them fill in any gaps they had educationally in order to help them fulfill the purposes God set out for them. Our goal is to treat the Whole body. Emotionally, Physically and Spiritually. That is why our treatment center is called the Royal Treatment Center and the preparation they will be getting will be called the Royal Treatment as they will be prepared to meet the King just as Queen Esther was when she received her treatments before meeting with the King in the bible. This is why the people in our program will be called princes and princesses instead of clients. With my background in education I will help them meet there goals to fulfill there purposes that God has for them including spiritual growth with morning devotionals and evening meetings, 1:1 counseling to work on personal issues at least 1 time a week and intensive counseling for the first 10-30 days while in detox as needed,  family counseling once a month, budgeting for paying weekly rent and buying food, educational and occupational training, nutrition including meal planning and group physical fitness programs. After the 1st 10-30 days in the program the client will live in apartments with 4 people to an apartment to learn independent living skills in order to be successful when they graduate the program. We will match them with work in our community to help support them in paying there weekly rent while in the program. We will also give them the opportunity to learn gardening skills as they work in our community garden on our property including medicinal herb and mushrooms. They will also be trained in how to use the food including cooking classes. They will also learn how to use the herbs that are grown in there garden not only for seasoning but including how to make there own herbal treatments for there healthcare needs physically and emotionally. My goal is for everyone who finishes the program in 1 year they will have enough money saved to buy there own van that they can renovate on site to live in if they like to travel or a down payment to buy a house because I believe that God wants people to have ownership and poses the land that God has promised them!  We will also teach entrepreneurial skills for people in our program who want to learn how to start and operator there own businesses! The Kings/Queens who graduate from the Royal Treamtent Program will truly be Kings/Queens as they will have a sense of security financially, emotionally and spiritually in order to fight the temptation that surrounds them when they graduate because they will have a sense of purpose and be walking in the calling that God has in there life!

God has put in our hearts to reach women in sex-trafficking, the homeless and tribes! We don't want to limit ourselves to only treating people in Florida, which is why we are also buying a bloodmobile so that when we can get 5 people sponsored at a time in an area and a local doctor and nurse to volunteer to administer treatment we can go anywhere in the United States to administer treatment! We also want to be able to connect with local recovery houses and rehabs in the area and refer our princes/princess into there programs after they receive the royal treatment. We also want use this as an opportunity to train and make aware to others about NAD + Amino Acids and Neuro-Recover for holistic detox and mental health treatment to get mental health patients off of pharmaceutical medications and fight the pharmaceutical companies!

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4045 Luciano Ave. Cocoa, FL 32926, US


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