About the organization

Residency Program

The JPS Family Medicine Residency is the largest program in the U.S. and consistently ranks among the top five family medicine programs in the country.  We prepare physicians to practice full-scope family medicine anywhere in the world.  Based at a large safety net hospital, our faculty and residents care for an underserved population that includes refugees and other immigrants from dozens of countries.  A longitudinal global health lecture series, the ability to complete an MPH, training in healthcare for the homeless and people living with HIV, a wide variety of overseas electives, and an optional fourth year of additional preparation in advanced obstetrics or surgical procedures make our program ideal for those who are preparing for overseas service. 

What's new with John Peter Smith Hospital Family Medicine Residency Program...


1500 S Main St Fort Worth, TX 76104, US



  • Channel of Blessings
  • Charlee Quarless
  • Susan  Cole
  • Steve Manock
  • Jessica Patton
  • Colby Cessnun
  • Meg Smith
  • Rebekah Frazier
  • Mariel Bryden
  • John Gibson


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