About the organization

Partner Organization

God has given His vision to the church. That vision expressed so clearly in Revelation 7:9 of a multitude of every language, people and tribe and nation, is His vision.  

The International Mission Board (IMB), established by Southern Baptists 178 years ago, serves churches to carry out the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations.  The Global force of over 3500 missionaries is engaging 920 People Groups. Approximately 12% of this force are trained healthcare professionals and work through the IMB’s Global Health Strategy Network.

The Global Health Strategy Network of the IMB seeks to glorify God through the identification and implementation of health strategies which facilitate the multiplication of churches among all peoples.  You can learn more about this work and connect at www.imb.org/healthcare.

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3806 Monument Avenue Richmond , VA 23230, US



  • IDnurse
  • Hercules
  • Hannah Snyder
  • Peter  Rush
  • Danielle Duckwiler
  • Janae
  • Caroline Little
  • Grace Chase
  • Donald Euler
  • Kacie Niemann


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