About the organization

The Vanga Evangelical Hospital is a 400 bed teaching hospital in the Democratic Republic of Congo established in 1912 by the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society, now know as International Ministries. The vision is to train the next generation of Congolese Doctors, Nurses and Health Administrators in whole person care in a low resource, rural setting.  

International Ministries, works cross-culturally to invite people to become disciples of Jesus Christ and to proclaim, through both word and deed, God’s reign of justice, peace and abundant life for all creation.. IM's global ministry priorities include health and wellness, as well as theological education, evangelism and discipleship, economic development, education, human trafficking, and peace and refuge. IM's medical personnel are involved in cutting-edge public health ministries in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Africa, and Nicaragua. 


What's new with Vanga Evangelical Hospital/International Ministries...


1003 W 9th Ave A King of Prussia, PA 19406, US



  • Timothy Rice
  • Anonymous
  • Caroline Little
  • Ethan Berg
  • Joana Jones
  • Forrest Ansell
  • Kristy Engel
  • Donna Lamb
  • Nathan Magruder
  • Anonymous


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