About the organization

Missions Agency / Non-Profit

CAAP wants to meet you if you are a family medicine, internal medicine, emergency medicine or pediatrics residency faculty interested in using your teaching, research and residency administrative gifts to work short or long-term in church and mission hospitals in Africa!

CAAP supports Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine residency programs in African mission/church hospitals for African Christian physicians who will live out the Gospel in Africa. 

CAAP Core Activities include:

  • Support to African church hospitals and universities to begin new residency programs in primary care specialities:
    • Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Emergency Medicine, Psychiatry & Mental Health
    • Support existing church residencies in these specialities to continue to improve their programs
  • Support to all programs to develop their Spiritual Curriculum that incorporates CAAP's 4Fs:
             Foundation (Knowledge)
             Formation (Personal devotion)
             Fellowship (Church, Small group Bible study, Discipleship relationship)
             Faith and Practice (Wholistic care of the patient, Ethical care, Missions)
  • Provide an online repository of resources to facilitate implementation of the 4Fs Spiritual Curriculum
  • Provide a CAAP Liaison person and form a Support Team of clinicians and educators for the Residency
  • Provide extensive in-person consultation services to the Program Director and faculty
    • Site visits to assess and assist development of quality of clinical and spiritual mentorship.
  • Provide Professional Development assistance
    • Provide faculty development resources through online and in-person seminars
    • Preparing junior faculty to become educators and leaders of their profession
    • Facilitate Master of Edcuation in Health Professions degree from Public Health University
  • Encourage development of a Continuous Quality Improvement model for clinical care, educational excellence
            and spiritual maturity
  • Facilitate Short-term Teaching Trips by visiting consultants to supplement local resources for clinical teaching
  • Networking Program Directors/Heads of Departments of residency programs:
    • Encourage one another and share ideas
    • Resident and faculty exchanges
  • Recruiting faculty
    • African graduates to become leaders within their own programs
    • Prepare expatriate educators and leaders to serve, especially in new sites where programs have not yet existed

For more information, visit us at our website: www.caaphome.org or contact us at: AfricaCAAP@gmail.com

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  • Keith Campbell
  • Etizaz Shah
  • Nathan Kinder
  • Stephen Merry


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