About the organization

Member Organization

As a ministry of Christian Medical & Dental Associations, the Center for Advancing Healthcare Missions (CAHM) is here to help you at every step of your journey toward becoming a medical missionary, and to continue to support you on the field and beyond.  We come alongside, encourage, and equip those who have heard Jesus calling them to go.  Looking for a place to do a short-term trip or rotation?  Check out our website's sourcebook for medical missions experience and apply for a scholarship to help fund your trip.  We can keep you refreshed and encouraged through our Horizons, Your Call, and e-Pistle newsletters (sign up on our website).  For those about to depart for longer-term medical ministry, don't miss our Pre-Field Orientation which will equip you with timely and practical tools for what lies ahead Our 5:11 Groups are virtual healthcare missionary support groups developed and supported by member care professionals. CMDA also provides encouragement and soul care through our Center for Well Being, and a second-to-none overseas CME experience through our annual medical education conference held in alternate years in Asia and Europe.  It's our privilege to serve you and to serve Jesus as we together seek to advance the cause of healthcare missions!

What's new with CMDA - Center for Advancing Healthcare Missions...


PO Box 7500 Bristol, TN 37621, US



  • Rose
  • Anna Christiansen
  • Wendy  Zhang
  • Francine Jessie
  • Caroline Little
  • Marie
  • Jennifer Rhodes
  • Shannon McGeary
  • Annalyn Flores
  • Donald Euler


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